Reduce your energy use
Gas and Oil, also known as fossil-fuels, are non-reusable resources and their use mainly through transportation, increase the greenhouse effect. It is therefore important for us to either use less fossil fuel or switch to energy from sustainable sources such as solar, wind, water or wave energy.
Lighting is an easy way to reduce your reliance on fossils fuels. There are a number of options available to your business:
Lighting is an easy way to reduce your reliance on fossils fuels. There are a number of options available to your business:
Instead of using air con, try natural ventilation using shutters or louvered windows. Alternately, use a fan. You can also plant trees around your premises as these will provide shade and moisture to keep your rooms cool. |
Switch off computers, monitors, printers, wireless routers, scanners, TV and radios when not in use. The standby mode still uses power.